K-Seal Expert Advice How to Flush a Car Engine Heater Core
On a periodic basis, a car’s heater core has to be flushed in order to rid it of the debris and dirt that builds up within it over months of daily use. Avoid doing this, and you could encounter problems with your heater core over time. As this isn’t a job which requires a high level of mechanical knowledge, most car owners should be able to perform it themselves. If done properly, it shouldn’t take more than an hour to complete.
There are several tools you’ll need to flush your heater core:
The heater core is comprised of the core itself, which features two valves connected to the radiator via “in” and “out” hoses, which are clamped in place. These hoses allow water to enter, circulate and drain out of the heater core back into the radiator. They therefore need to be removed so water can flushed through the core. If this isn’t
After you have gained access to the heater core by removing the dashboard, remove the clamp on the “in” hose using the pliers and screwdriver. Different car models will vary in terms of the process here – you should consult your vehicle’s handbook if you’re not sure.
As far as mechanical know-how is concerned, the only difficulty you might have will be detaching and attaching the hoses with the clamps. The rest of the task, however, will be straightforward and easily achievable for everyone from novices to experts – while you can ask a garage to do it for you, it’s much cheaper to do it yourself.
K-Seal provides expert advice and solutions to common car heater core problems.
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