Why is My Heater Matrix Gurgling and Hissing?

K-Seal coolant leak repair can effectively seal leaks in your car heater matrix – helping to stop those worrying gurgling and hissing noises.

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Can you hear gurgling or hissing noises when sat in your car? The heater matrix in a car’s engine is the source of many of the sounds you might be able to hear coming from under the bonnet.

A lot of the time, you will have to take the dashboard off to access the heater matrix, so you may wish to pinpoint the exact source of the sound by asking a professional. If the issue is the heater matrix, you should ensure you resolve it as quickly as possible or run the risk of the car incurring significant damage over time.

Heater Matrix Gurgling Noise

Can you hear a gurgling noise coming from the heater matrix? This usually means that there is air trapped in the coolant that circulates through the matrix. This can happen for a number of reasons, including a blown head gasket or a leak developing in the heater control valve. You’ll need to diagnose and fix the cause before you remove the air and replace the coolant. A mechanic may be the best person to diagnose this, but if the leak is a small one then you using K-Seal may fix the problem quickly.

Hissing Sound From Heater Matrix

If it sounds like you’ve got a snake living under your bonnet — and you don’t live in a place where that’s even a remote possibility — you’ve probably sprung a leak in one of the hoses that connects the heater matrix to the rest of the engine.

This may have occurred at the connection point (which may mean that a clamp has come loose) or elsewhere along the hose (which probably means that a small hole has developed through which coolant and/or steam will be escaping). Either way, if you can hear a hissing sound from the heater matrix then it’s a problem that will need rectifying as soon as possible. Make sure you act quickly to prevent significant long-term damage being done to the engine.

How K-Seal Can Stop Heater Matrix Gurgling and Hissing Noises

K-Seal can help seal holes and cracks throughout the system simply by being added to coolant or oil when levels are replenished. It will find the crack to be sealed automatically, without closing up any openings which should remain unblocked. Use our simple stockist search facility to get hold of a bottle and get back on the road – fast.

How K-Seal Repairs Heater Matrix Leaks To Stop It Gurgling And Hissing

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